суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

european air travel paris

Exploring with a rag-team team of Fallout-esque fellow humans through a city that much like the rest of the world has fallen into post-apocalyptic ruin. The main threat is usually zombies, but they tend to hide underground unless something loud or explosive wakes them up (or night falls). During the day thereapos;s also the threat of gangs, people who either believe they are zombies or worship the zombies, and weapos;re trying to avoid them as well. Our objective is to creep through the city and reach one of our friends whoapos;s lurking at a holdout, that has weapons and ammo to defend against the zombie threat. Thereapos;s also a fellow in our team who looks remarkably like Half-Life 2apos;s Doctor Breen, and several times during our journey through ruined buildings, streets, and alleyways, he will drop a can of soft drink down a sewer hole, or a bin. We know heapos;s leaving some sort of path/message, but it doesnapos;t become evident until later, when we round a corner and run into one of the street gangs, who promptly hold us up - and block off our (marked by Breen-lookalike) entrance paths. But by focusing on us, we can see their other prisoners.

They have surprisingly (for me in reality, but not in the dream) captured the Biker Mice From Mars, in their original 90s incarnations as opposed to the slimmed down and saner new 2000s versions.

The trio of Throttle, Vinnie and Modo are chained up, and so are their bikes, and soon a tussle breaks out between my group of fellow humans in the street gang. While the brawl goes on I sneak through the crowd, and with a bit of thievish lockpickery (and Iapos;ll only have one chance at this) attempt to free one of them. Iapos;m not sure if I was killed during the attempt or died afterwards, because then Iapos;m viewing things from the eyes and consciousness of Modo, who thanks to my tinkering has pulled his cybernetic arm free and broken his chains with it. He proceeds to rip the chains off Throttle and Vinnie as well, and the latter join the fight for as long as it takes for Modo to break the chains holding their bikes down. He had considered using his laser to zap the chains instead but he was rather considered for the safety of their (uncommonly sentient) vehicles. When he succeeded, the fighting seemed to die down on the street gangapos;s side as they tried to stop the three from leaving, which fails miserably when the Biker Mice race off in three different directions, and Iapos;m still seeing things from Modoapos;s eyes as we race through the city, avoiding debris and pursuing gang members who quickly fall behind.

He then crashes on in his riding through an old rundown mall, perhaps seeing things, or perhaps itapos;s real, as there are people and shops and everything is as it was pre-apocalypse. Itapos;s rather surreal, but he gets through it quickly enough, and oddly finds a box/package for the Breen look alike with more soft drinks in them, the ones he was using for markers. He takes the package as he subtly thinks itapos;s important, and races off through the mall and back onto the roads, finding his way back to apos;myapos; earlier group of fellow men as they reach the holdout. They meet up with the friend (after some searching through the crowd and shouting his name, "Gordon") I had who was lurking there, and Modo uses his bike to radio Throttle and Vinnie so he can pinpoint their positions and guide them to the holdout, all with me apos;watchingapos; inside his head. As he does so a mob of zombies emerge from the dilapidated buildings and craters exterior to the holdout, and people begin forming into teams to stop them. The dream fades out almost, as Modo is shuffled along with the first group of "Barrier Blockers" to fight the zombie threat.

And whereas they have handguns and rifles, the buff gentle giant of the Biker Mice uses his cybernetic arm laser to promptly start some rapid fire zombie carnage, promising out loud to the humans around him that if they accidentally shoot Throttle or Vinnie when they show up, heapos;ll have to do something about their apos;lack of hospitalityapos;. And the dream completes fading out.

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